Medical Grade Adhesive Foam: As dispensed from Medical/Doctor's Offices.
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J shaped pad for Sesamoiditis
Dancer's Pads (Sesamoid Pads) are meant to accomadate the first metatarsal head.
Dancer's pads (Sesamoid Pads) can be used for all metatarsal heads, just rotate.
Relieve pressure and stress on the sesamoids and first metatarsal joint.
These foot pads decrease pain of sesamoiditis, Morton's neuroma, metatarsal heads and foot callus.
Our Dancer's (Sesamoid) pads are medical quality foot products, made in the USA.
Medical grade 1/4 inch adhesive foam.
Dance Injuries
Morton's neuroma
Foot Callus
Metatarsal pain
Ball of the foot pain
Sesamoiditis Pad (Dancer's Pad) have medical grade adhesive for superior sticking.