2 pack, U shaped Gel Reusable Self Sticking U-shaped Callus Pads
Wash them and they regain their self sticking surface
Foot pads for callus Treat callus (callous), not a callous remover
Callus pads are foot products to protect painful callous
Can be used as bunion pads
Medical grade gel 1/8 inch thick
2 gel reusable callus foot pads per pack.
Self-Sticking Gel Foot Cushions
Protect your painful bunions and calluses with a self-adhesive gel callus pad to promote speedier healing. Made with pride in the U.S.A., medical-grade U-shaped callus pads from Atlas Biomechanics are designed to be a budget-friendly alternative to single-use cushions from the drugstore. Simply rinse them with water, and the soft gel becomes sticky again and ready to protect your feet for another day. These reusable gel callus pads come in a pack of 2 for your convenience. Order online today from Atlas Biomechanics, where we always ship orders of $50 and over for free!